Our list of FAQ’s regarding this event will be updated periodically – so please be sure to check back for updated information.

Q – When is the Hospitality Suite open?
A – The Hospitality Suite is in Room 1122 and will be open for parts of each day, for attendees to grab some food and fellowship.
Friday: 5-6:45pm
Saturday: 7-8am, 12-1:30pm, and 5:45-7:30pm
Sunday: 7-8am
There is no cost for the food in the Hospitality Suite. Donations gratefully accepted.
Details of the location of the Hospitality Suite will be posted in the Registration area.

Q – Is NEFOTS an AA function?
A – The answer is that NEFOTS is indeed an AA function and is in accordance with the AA and Al-Anon traditions and guidelines. The “A.A. Guidelines – Conferences and Conventions” it describes an A.A. convention as almost any A.A. get together beyond the group meeting level. In the “April – May 2001 BOX 459” the GSO answer to the question, “Okay, then what is an A.A. event?” was: “As far as we are concerned, any event which is run by A.A.s, about A.A., and for A.A.s is an A.A. event.

Al-Anon has been invited to actively participate in NEFOTS and we follow the “A.A. Guidelines – Relationship Between A.A. and Al-Anon” that points out the unique relationship between the fellowships of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Al-Anon Family Groups since “they are naturally drawn together by their close ties. The Twelve Traditions, the General Service Boards, and the General Service Conferences of both Fellowships suggest that each functions more effectively if it remains “separate,” cooperating but not affiliating with the other.”

Q – How do I purchase a meal package?
A – Meal packages will be listed on the Registration form. However here is a list of what is available:
Meal packages cannot be purchased after March 14. Please enjoy the great restaurant options of Portland!

Q – I was just planning on attending just Saturday, I was just wondering if I need to sign up online for the registration or if I can pay on person? And is it possible to just attend the one day?
A – Yes, people can register in person the registration fee will be $TBD. There is one registration fee that covers the entire event. Many people come for one day or part of a day.

Q – Will there be any Covid Related restrictions?
A – At this time the Hotel has not informed us of any. Each individual is certainly welcome to wear a mask as needed.

Q – Can I make donations to help with hospitality room or registrations for those less fortunate?
A – Yes. Donations can be made online through the registration process or by sending an email to info@nefots.org

Q – Who do I contact if I would like to volunteer to help out?
A – Please send an email to info@nefots.org and someone will get back to you.